
\[\boldsymbol{P}_f= \mathbf{K}_f\mspace{1.5mu}\boldsymbol{U}_f + \boldsymbol{P}_{0}\]

View guides that explain the concepts and components of FEDEASLab.

Function Index

function B = B_matrix(Model)

Peruse a comprehensive list of functions provided by FEDEASLab, with detailed explanations of their interfaces.


Walk through some examples of the various analysis procedures that FEDEASLab provides.

Section modeling

FEDEASLab includes a variety of utilities for analyzing structural cross sections.

Finite Element Analysis

FEDEASLab implements a comprehensive instructional library of standard finite elements for solid mechanics.

Frame inelasticity

State of the art models are available for simulating inelasticity in structures.