Element_Library > ElementLoading
determines current distributed element load value
wC = ElementLoading (w0,lamda,LdId)
ELEMENTLOADING determines current distributed element load value WC = ELEMENTLOADING (w0,LAMDA,LDID); function determines the current distributed element load values as the product of the user specified reference values in vector W0 and the current load factor(s) in row vector LAMDA; the load history ID for distributed element loads is specified in row vector LDID
Cross-Reference Information
This function calls:
- BInel2dFrm_wEPLHM 2d elasto-plastic, linear hardening basic frame element with hinge offsets
- BInel2dFrm_wEPLHNMYS 2d elasto-plastic, linear hardening basic frame element
- Inel2dFrm inelastic 2d frame element with different basic element types
- Inel3dFrm_wLHNMYS 3d frame element with elastic-linear hardening plastic axial-flexure hinges
- Dinel2dFrm_EBwDF 2d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (displacement formulation)
- Dinel2dFrm_EBwFF 2d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (force formulation)
- Dinel3dFrm_EBwDF Euler-Bernoulli 3d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (displacement formulation)
- Dinel3dFrm_EBwFF 3d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (iterative force formulation)
- LE2dFrm_w2ndOrdDF 2d LE frame element with moderate deformations under linear or NL geometry
- LE2dFrm_w2ndOrdFF 2d LE frame element with moderate deformations under linear or NL geometry
- Inel4nodeMindlinReShellwITC isoparametric inelastic 4 node quad Mindlin RC layer shell element with ITC
- Inel4nodeMindlinShellwITC isoparametric inelastic 4 node quad Mindlin layer shell element with ITC
- Inel4to9nodeMindlinReShell inelastic isoparametric 4-9 node quad Mindlin element with reinforcing layers
- Inel4to9nodeMindlinShell isoparametric 4-9 node quad layer shell element with inelastic material
- Inel4to9nodeQuad isoparametric 4-9 node quadrilateral element with inelastic material
- Inel4to9nodeReQuad isoparametric 4-9 node quad element with inelastic material and reinforcing layers
- Inel8nodeBrick isoparametric 8 node brick element with inelastic material
- InelCST constant strain triangle with inelastic material under plane stress/strain
- InelDKT inelastic discrete Kirchhoff triangle for plate bending
- InelLST linear strain triangle with inelastic material under plane stress/strain