Element_Library > ElementLoading



determines current distributed element load value


wC = ElementLoading (w0,lamda,LdId)


ELEMENTLOADING determines current distributed element load value
  function determines the current distributed element load values as the product of the
  user specified reference values in vector W0 and the current load factor(s) in row vector
  LAMDA; the load history ID for distributed element loads is specified in row vector LDID

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

This function is called by:
  • BInel2dFrm_wEPLHM 2d elasto-plastic, linear hardening basic frame element with hinge offsets
  • BInel2dFrm_wEPLHNMYS 2d elasto-plastic, linear hardening basic frame element
  • Inel2dFrm inelastic 2d frame element with different basic element types
  • Inel3dFrm_wLHNMYS 3d frame element with elastic-linear hardening plastic axial-flexure hinges
  • Dinel2dFrm_EBwDF 2d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (displacement formulation)
  • Dinel2dFrm_EBwFF 2d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (force formulation)
  • Dinel3dFrm_EBwDF Euler-Bernoulli 3d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (displacement formulation)
  • Dinel3dFrm_EBwFF 3d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (iterative force formulation)
  • LE2dFrm_w2ndOrdDF 2d LE frame element with moderate deformations under linear or NL geometry
  • LE2dFrm_w2ndOrdFF 2d LE frame element with moderate deformations under linear or NL geometry
  • Inel4nodeMindlinReShellwITC isoparametric inelastic 4 node quad Mindlin RC layer shell element with ITC
  • Inel4nodeMindlinShellwITC isoparametric inelastic 4 node quad Mindlin layer shell element with ITC
  • Inel4to9nodeMindlinReShell inelastic isoparametric 4-9 node quad Mindlin element with reinforcing layers
  • Inel4to9nodeMindlinShell isoparametric 4-9 node quad layer shell element with inelastic material
  • Inel4to9nodeQuad isoparametric 4-9 node quadrilateral element with inelastic material
  • Inel4to9nodeReQuad isoparametric 4-9 node quad element with inelastic material and reinforcing layers
  • Inel8nodeBrick isoparametric 8 node brick element with inelastic material
  • InelCST constant strain triangle with inelastic material under plane stress/strain
  • InelDKT inelastic discrete Kirchhoff triangle for plate bending
  • InelLST linear strain triangle with inelastic material under plane stress/strain