Element_Library > ExtrReshu



extracts displacements and increments from State and reshapes into array


[u,Du,DDu] = ExtrReshu (State,ndf,nen)


EXTRRESHU extracts displacements and increments from State and reshapes into array
  the function extracts the displacements and their increments from State
  and reshapes these into an NDF x NEN array,
  where NDF is no of dofs/node and NEN number of end nodes for element

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

This function is called by:
  • Inel2dFrm inelastic 2d frame element with different basic element types
  • Inel3dFrm_wLHNMYS 3d frame element with elastic-linear hardening plastic axial-flexure hinges
  • InelTruss 2d/3d inelastic truss element under linear or nonlinear geometry
  • Dinel2dFrm_EBwDF 2d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (displacement formulation)
  • Dinel2dFrm_EBwFF 2d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (force formulation)
  • Dinel3dFrm_EBwDF Euler-Bernoulli 3d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (displacement formulation)
  • Dinel3dFrm_EBwFF 3d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (iterative force formulation)
  • LE2dFrm 2d LE frame element under linear or nonlinear geometry
  • LE2dFrm_w2ndOrdDF 2d LE frame element with moderate deformations under linear or NL geometry
  • LE2dFrm_w2ndOrdFF 2d LE frame element with moderate deformations under linear or NL geometry
  • LE2dFrm_wPdelta 2d linear elastic frame element with P-delta effect under linear or nonlinear geometry
  • LE2dFrm_wVarIDF 2d LE frame element with variable cross section under linear or NL geometry
  • LE2dFrm_wVarIFF 2d LE frame element with variable cross section under linear or NL geometry
  • LE3dFrm 3d linear frame element under linear or nonlinear geometry
  • LETruss 2d/3d linear truss element under linear or nonlinear geometry
  • Inel4nodeMindlinReShellwITC isoparametric inelastic 4 node quad Mindlin RC layer shell element with ITC
  • Inel4nodeMindlinShellwITC isoparametric inelastic 4 node quad Mindlin layer shell element with ITC
  • Inel4to9nodeMindlinReShell inelastic isoparametric 4-9 node quad Mindlin element with reinforcing layers
  • Inel4to9nodeMindlinShell isoparametric 4-9 node quad layer shell element with inelastic material
  • Inel4to9nodeQuad isoparametric 4-9 node quadrilateral element with inelastic material
  • Inel4to9nodeReQuad isoparametric 4-9 node quad element with inelastic material and reinforcing layers
  • InelCST constant strain triangle with inelastic material under plane stress/strain
  • InelDKT inelastic discrete Kirchhoff triangle for plate bending
  • InelLST linear strain triangle with inelastic material under plane stress/strain
  • LE4nodeMindlinPlate linear elastic isoparametric 4-node quadrilateral Mindlin plate element
  • LE4nodeMindlinPlatewITC linear elastic isoparametric 4-node quadrilateral Mindlin plate element with ITC
  • LE4nodeMindlinShellwITC linear elastic isoparametric 4-node quadrilateral Mindlin shell element with ITC
  • LE4nodeQuad isoparametric 4-node quadrilateral element with linear elastic material
  • LE4nodeQuadwIM isoparametric 4-node quad element with linear elastic material and incompatible bending modes
  • LE4to9nodeMindlinPlate linear elastic isoparametric 4-9 node quadrilateral Mindlin plate element
  • LE4to9nodeMindlinShell linear elastic isoparametric 4-9 node quadrilateral Mindlin shell element
  • LE4to9nodeQuad isoparametric 4-9 node quadrilateral element with linear elastic material
  • LE9nodeQuad isoparametric 9 node quadrilateral element with linear elastic material
  • LECMSDKTShell linear elastic 3-node triangle with constant mebrane strain + DK bending
  • LECMSDKTShell_wDDOF linear elastic 3-node triangle with constant mebrane strain + DK bending with drill DOF
  • LECST constant strain triangle with linear elastic material under plane stress/strain
  • LEDKT discrete Kirchhoff 3-node triangle for plate bending with linear elastic material
  • LELST linear strain triangle with linear elastic material under plane stress/strain