Element_Library > Extract_El2MatState



extract material state from element state


MatState = Extract_El2MatState (mat,aeps,ElState,rd)


EXTRACT_EL2MATSTATE extract material state from element state
  function extracts from data structure ELSTATE the necessary information
  for the element material, and returns it in data structure MATSTATE;
  it needs compatibility array AEPS to determine material strains from element displacements
  RD identifies the displacement DOFs to extract (default = all)

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

This function is called by:
  • Inel4nodeMindlinReShellwITC isoparametric inelastic 4 node quad Mindlin RC layer shell element with ITC
  • Inel4nodeMindlinShellwITC isoparametric inelastic 4 node quad Mindlin layer shell element with ITC
  • Inel4to9nodeMindlinReShell inelastic isoparametric 4-9 node quad Mindlin element with reinforcing layers
  • Inel4to9nodeMindlinShell isoparametric 4-9 node quad layer shell element with inelastic material
  • Inel4to9nodeQuad isoparametric 4-9 node quadrilateral element with inelastic material
  • Inel4to9nodeReQuad isoparametric 4-9 node quad element with inelastic material and reinforcing layers
  • Inel8nodeBrick isoparametric 8 node brick element with inelastic material
  • InelCST constant strain triangle with inelastic material under plane stress/strain
  • InelDKT inelastic discrete Kirchhoff triangle for plate bending
  • InelLST linear strain triangle with inelastic material under plane stress/strain
  • MaterialWrapper wrapper element that passes on arguments to the material state determination