Element_Library > Frame_Elements > Check3dFrmAxes



check that y-axis is not co-linear with element chord


y = Check3dFrmAxes (el,y,xyz)


CHECK3dFRMAXES check that y-axis is not co-linear with element chord
  the function checks that the specified Y-axis for the element EL 
  with end node coordinates XYZ is not colinear with the element chord;
  if colinearity is detected, the function returns a unit vector in the global
  Y- or Z-axis and issues a warning message with information about the change;
  if not, the function returns the normalized vector Y

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

  • ElmLenOr element length and x-axis orientation (direction cosines)
This function is called by:
  • Dinel3dFrm_EBwDF Euler-Bernoulli 3d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (displacement formulation)
  • Dinel3dFrm_EBwFF 3d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (iterative force formulation)
  • LE3dFrm 3d linear frame element under linear or nonlinear geometry