Element_Library > Frame_Elements > ConcentrInelastic > BInel2dFrm_wEPLHM



2d elasto-plastic, linear hardening basic frame element with hinge offsets


BElemResp = BInel2dFrm_wEPLHM (action,L,BElemData,BElemState)


BINELP2dFRM_WEPLHM 2d elasto-plastic, linear hardening basic frame element with hinge offsets
  the function determines the 2d response of an elasto-plastic basic frame element of length L 
  with linear elastic axial response and elasto-plasic flexural response
  with linear isotropic and kinematic hardening at two plastic hinges
  that may be offset from the element ends (series model)
  When the character variable ACTION has one of the following values,
  the function performs the listed operations and returns the results in BELEMRESP:
  ACTION = 'chec': check element property data for omissions and assign default values
           'init': initialize element history variables
           'forc': report basic element forces
           'stif': report basic element stiffness matrix and basic element forces
           'post': report post-processing information
  The data structure BELEMRESP stands for the following data object(s) for each ACTION:
  BELEMRESP = BELEMDATA    for action = 'chec'
  BELEMRESP = BELEMSTATE   for action = 'init'
  BELEMRESP = BELEMSTATE   for action = 'stif'
  BELEMRESP = BELEMSTATE   for action = 'forc'
  BELEMRESP = BELEMPOST    for action = 'post'
  BELEMDATA is a data structure with basic element property information; it has the fields
         E   = Young's Modulus
         A   = cross-sectional area
         I   = moment of inertia
         Mp  = plastic moment capacity at plastic hinges near ends i, j ( Mp = [Mpi , Mpj] )
         Hir = isotropic hardening modulus ratio
         Hkr = kinematic hardening modulus ratio
         HngOff = offset location of plastic hinges as %L (default [0 0])
         w      = uniformly distributed element load [wx;wy];
         YFtol  = yield criterion tolerance (default = 1e-12)
  BELEMSTATE is a data structure with the current basic element state; it has the fields
         v     = vector of total element deformations
         k     = basic element stiffness matrix; updated under ACTION = 'stif'
         q     = basic element forces; updated under ACTION = 'stif' or 'forc'
         Past  = element history variables at last converged state
         Pres  = current element history variables
         the element history variables of this element are
             ehp   = plastic hinge   deformations   (2x1 array)
             Mbk   = back forces at flexural hinges (2x1 array)
             alpha = isotropic hardening variable   (2x1 array)

Cross-Reference Information

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