Element_Library > Frame_Elements > ConcentrInelastic > BInel2dFrm_wTwoComp



two component 2d frame element (linear + linear-perfectly plastic)


BElemResp = BInel2dFrm_wTwoComp (action,L,BElemData,BElemState)


BINELP2dFRM_WTWOCOMP two component 2d frame element (linear + linear-perfectly plastic)
  the function determines the 2d response of the two component basic frame element of length L  
  the element exhibits linear elastic axial response and elastic-linear hardening
  flexural response as the sum of two components in parallel:
  a linear elastic + linear-perfectly plastic
  When the character variable ACTION has one of the following values,
  the function performs the listed operations and returns the results in BELEMRESP:
  ACTION = 'chec': check element property data for omissions and assign default values
           'init': initialize element history variables
           'forc': report basic element forces
           'stif': report basic element stiffness matrix and basic element forces
           'post': report post-processing information
  The data structure BELEMRESP stands for the following data object(s) for each ACTION:
  BELEMRESP = BELEMDATA    for action = 'chec'
  BELEMRESP = BELEMSTATE   for action = 'init'
  BELEMRESP = BELEMSTATE   for action = 'stif'
  BELEMRESP = BELEMSTATE   for action = 'forc'
  BELEMRESP = BELEMPOST    for action = 'post'
  BELEMDATA is a data structure with basic element property information; it has the fields
         E  = Young's Modulus
         A  = cross-sectional area
         I  = moment of inertia
         Mp = plastic moment capacity at plastic hinges near ends i, j ( Mp = [Mpi , Mpj] )
         Hr = ratio of linear elastic component to total stiffness (default = 0)
         YFtol = tolerance for yield criterion (default = 1e-12)
  BELEMSTATE is a data structure with the current basic element state; it has the fields
         v     = vector of total element deformations
         k     = basic element stiffness matrix; updated under ACTION = 'stif'
         q     = basic element forces; updated under ACTION = 'stif' or 'forc'
         Past  = element history variables at last converged state
         Pres  = current element history variables
         the element history variables of this element are
             vp = plastic element deformations   (3x1 array)

Cross-Reference Information

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