pologonal plastic limit surface for truss and 2d frame elements
LimitSurf = Create_PlasticLimitSurface (ElemName,ElemData)
CREATE_PLASTICLIMITSURFACE pologonal plastic limit surface for truss and 2d frame elements LIMITSURF = CREATE_PLASTLIMSURFACE(ELEMNAME,ELEMDATA) the function sets up the polygonal plastic limit surface for the element type ELEMNAME (only truss and 2d frame elements supported); the polygonal plastic surface depends on the plastic axial capacity NP and flexural capacity MP in ELEMDATA; LIMITSURF is an array with the plastic capacity values at the polygon corners; the field NMOPT of ELEMDATA determines the type of plastic surface; the current options are: 'None' : no interaction between axial and flexural capacity 'Dmnd' : diamond shaped polygon for plastic limit surface 'AISC' : 8-sided polygon according to AISC specifications
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This function calls:
- Plot_PlasticHinges display plastic hinge locations in current window