Element_Library > Frame_Elements > ConcentrInelastic > Inel3dFrm_wLHNMYS



3d frame element with elastic-linear hardening plastic axial-flexure hinges


ElemResp = Inel3dFrm_wLHNMYS (action,el_no,xyz,ElemData,ElemState)


INEL2dFRM_wLHNMYS 3d frame element with elastic-linear hardening plastic axial-flexure hinges
  response of 2d one-component linear elastic frame element with linear plastic hardening axial-flexure hinges
  with General Closest Point Project (GCPP) Iteration for the N-M yield surface;
  the element accounts for linear and nonlinear geometry for the nodal dof transformations; 
  depending on the value of the character variable ACTION the function returns information
  in data structure ELEMRESP for the element with number EL_NO, end node coordinates XYZ,
  and material and loading properties in the data structure ELEMDATA.
  When the character variable ACTION has one of the following values,
  the function performs the listed operations and returns the results in ELEMRESP:
  ACTION = 'size': report size of element arrays
           'chec': check element property data for omissions and assign default values
           'init': initialize element history variables
           'forc': report element resisting forces
           'stif': report element stiffness matrix and resisting forces
           'mass': report lumped mass vector and consistent mass matrix
           'post': report post-processing information
           'defo': report function handle for deformed shape
  The data structure ELEMRESP stands for the following data object(s) for each ACTION:
  ELEMRESP = ARSZ        for action = 'size' 
  ELEMRESP = ELEMDATA    for action = 'chec'
  ELEMRESP = ELEMSTATE   for action = 'init'
  ELEMRESP = ELEMSTATE   for action = 'stif'
  ELEMRESP = ELEMSTATE   for action = 'forc'
  ELEMRESP = ELEMMASS    for action = 'mass'
  ELEMRESP = ELEMPOST    for action = 'post'
  ELEMRESP = FunHandle   for action = 'defo'
  ELEMRESP is empty      for unsupported keywords
  ARSZ   is an Boolean array of size NDF x NEN,
         where NDF = number of DOFs/node, NEN = number of nodes,
         with unit values corresponding to the active element DOFs
  ELEMDATA is a data structure with element property information in fields
         Geom    = character variable for geometric transformation of node variables
                   (linear, PDelta or corotational) (default=linear)
         A       = cross sectional area
         Iy      = moment of inertia about y-axis
         Iz      = moment of inertia about z-axis
         J       = polar moment of area
         E       = modulus of elasticity
         G       = shear modulus
         Np      = plastic axial capacity of element
         Mp      = plastic moment capacity of element
         GPYSC   = polynomial exponents for plastic surface (see help for function GPYS)
         Hir     = isotropic hardening ratio for flexural end i and j ([0;0])
         Hkr     = kinematic hardening ratio for axial, flexural end i and end j ([0;0;0])
         w       = uniform element load ( w(1) = longitudinal, w(2) = transverse )
         JntOff  = rigid joint offsets in global X, Y and Z at element ends;
                   column 1 for node i, column 2 for node j
         LdIdx   = load history no for element loading in x-direction
         LdIdy   = load history no for element loading in y-direction
         LdIdz   = load history no for element loading in z-direction
         Wtol    = incremental work tolerance for state convergence (10^-16)
         MaxIter = maximum number of iterations for state convergence (15)
         SubDivNo= number of element deformation subdivisions (5)
  ELEMSTATE is a data structure with the current element state; it has the fields
         u     = vector of total element displacements in global reference
         Du    = vector of element displacement increments from last convergence
         DDu   = vector of element displacement increments from last iteration
         ke    = element stiffness matrix in global reference; updated under ACTION = 'stif'
         p     = element resisting force vector in global reference; updated under ACTION = 'stif' or 'forc'
         Past  = element history variables at last converged state
         Pres  = current element history variables
         lamda = row vector of current load factor(s)
   ELEMPOST is a data structure with element response information for post-processing in fields
         v     = element deformations
         vp    = plastic deformations
         q     = element basic forces
         w     = current value of distributed element load

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

  • ElementLoading determines current distributed element load value
  • ExtrReshu extracts displacements and increments from State and reshapes into array
  • ElmLenOr element length and x-axis orientation (direction cosines)
  • GeomTran_3dFrm kinematic matrices and deformations for a 2-node 3d frame element
  • kg_3dFrm geometric stiffness matrix for 2-node 3d frame element different options
This function is called by: