
DeformShape2dFrm_wCurvIntpdeformed shape of 2d frame element from curvatures
DeformShape3dFrm_wCurvIntpdeformed shape of 3d frame element from curvatures
Dinel2dFrm_EBwDF2d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (displacement formulation)
Dinel2dFrm_EBwFF2d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (force formulation)
Dinel3dFrm_EBwDFEuler-Bernoulli 3d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (displacement formulation)
Dinel3dFrm_EBwFF3d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (iterative force formulation)
Extract_BasicEl2SecStateextract section state from basic element state
Extract_El2SecStateextract section state from element state
Mass4Taper2dFrm_wDFconsistent mass matrix for tapered 2d frame element with displ interpolation