deformed shape of 3d frame element from curvatures
[XYZd,xyzd] = DeformShape3dFrm_wCurvIntp (xyz,ElemData,u,EPost,MAGF,nsub)
DEFORMSHAPE3dFRM_wCURVINTP deformed shape of 3d frame element from curvatures [XYd,xyd] = DEFORMSHAPE3dFRM_wCURVINTP (XYZ,ELEMDATA,U,KAPPA,MAGF,NSUB) The function returns the global coordinates of the magnified deformed shape of a 3d frame element under large end displacements in array XYd, and the local coordinates of the magnified deformed shape in array xyd. Input arguments are the end node coordinates in array XYZ, the element properties in cell array ELEMDATA, the end displacements in vector U, and the data structure EPOST with information about the curvatures KAPPAz KAPPAy along the element axis in fields Sec{iP}.e(2) and Sec{iP}.e(3). Optional arguments are the magnification factor MAGF (default=10) and the number of intermediate points NSUB (default=100) for the deformed shape. The function uses double integration of the interpolation polynomial of the curvatures at the integration points. (reference: Neuenhofer/Filippou, ASCE, JSE, June 1998, pp. 704-711)
Cross-Reference Information
This function calls:
- DefGeom_3dFrm determines current length and corotational triad of 2-node, 3d frame element
- ElmLenOr element length and x-axis orientation (direction cosines)
- TranJnt sets up transformation matrix for finite size joints