2d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (force formulation)
ElemResp = Dinel2dFrm_EBwFF (action,el_no,xyz,ElemData,ElemState)
DINEL2dFRM_EBwFF 2d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (force formulation) ELEMRESP = DINEL2dFRM_EBwFF (ACTION,EL_NO,XYZ,ELEMDATA,ELEMSTATE) function determines the response of 2d frame element with distributed inelasticity for any type of section and material under linear and nonlinear geometry; iterative or non-iterative force formulation with small deformations reference: Spacone/Filippou/Taucer IJSDEE, Vol.25, No.7, July 1996, pp. 711-725 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the character variable ACTION has one of the following values, the function performs the listed operations and returns the results in ELEMRESP: ACTION = 'size': report size of element arrays 'chec': check element property data for omissions and assign default values 'defo': report function handle for deformed shape 'init': initialize element history variables 'forc': report element resisting forces 'stif': report element stiffness matrix and resisting forces 'mass': report lumped mass vector and consistent mass matrix 'post': report post-processing information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The data structure ELEMRESP stands for the following data object(s) for each ACTION: ELEMRESP = ARSZ for action = 'size' ELEMRESP = ELEMDATA for action = 'chec' ELEMRESP = FunHandle for action = 'defo' ELEMRESP = ELEMSTATE for action = 'init' ELEMRESP = ELEMSTATE for action = 'stif' ELEMRESP = ELEMSTATE for action = 'forc' ELEMRESP = ELEMMASS for action = 'mass' ELEMRESP = ELEMPOST for action = 'post' ELEMRESP is empty for unsupported keywords ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ARSZ is an Boolean array of size NDF x NEN, where NDF = number of DOFs/node, NEN = number of nodes, with unit values corresponding to the active element DOFs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ELEMDATA is a data structure with element property information in fields Geom = character variable for geometric transformation of node variables (linear, PDelta or corotational) (default=linear) w = uniform element load ( w(1) = longitudinal, w(2) = transverse ) MR = moment release code (0=cont,1=hinge) (default=[0;0]) JntOff = rigid joint offsets in global X and Y at element ends; column 1 for node i, column 2 for node j nIP = number of integration points IntTyp = function name for element integration Tol = relative tolerance for convergence of state determination (10^-16) MaxIter = maximum number of iterations for state convergence (15) SubDivNo= number of element deformation subdivisions (5) SecName = function name for section s-e response SecData{i} = section property data at integration point i (see function with SecName) LdIdx = load history no for element loading in x-direction LdIdy = load history no for element loading in y-direction ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ELEMSTATE is a data structure with the current element state; it has the fields u = vector of total element displacements in global reference Du = vector of element displacement increments from last convergence DDu = vector of element displacement increments from last iteration ke = element stiffness matrix in global reference; updated under ACTION = 'stif' p = element resisting force vector in global reference; updated under ACTION = 'stif' or 'forc' Past = element history variables at last converged state Pres = current element history variables lamda = row vector of current load factor(s) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ELEMPOST is a data structure with element response information for post-processing in fields v = element deformations q = element basic forces Sec{i}= section response information at integration point i (see function with SecName)
Cross-Reference Information
This function calls:
- ElementLoading determines current distributed element load value
- ExtrReshu extracts displacements and increments from State and reshapes into array
- ElmLenOr element length and x-axis orientation (direction cosines)
- GeomTran_2dFrm kinematic matrices and deformations for a 2-node 2d frame element
- kg_2dFrm geometric stiffness matrix for 2-node 2d frame element for different options