Element_Library > Shell_Elements > TranDK



transformation matrix for discrete Kirchhoff triangle constraints


T = TranDK (xyz)


TRANDK transformation matrix for discrete Kirchhoff triangle constraints
  the function sets up the 12x9 transformation matrix T from the 12 rotation dofs at the nodes
  and midsides of a 3-node triangle to the 9 nodal dofs;
  References: R.D. Cook et al, Concepts and Applications of FE Analysis, 3rd ed, pp. 328-332
  J-L Batoz, et al, A Study of Three-Node Triangular Plate Bending Elements, IJNME (1980), pp. 1771-1812

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

This function is called by:
  • InelDKT inelastic discrete Kirchhoff triangle for plate bending
  • LECMSDKTShell linear elastic 3-node triangle with constant mebrane strain + DK bending
  • LECMSDKTShell_wDDOF linear elastic 3-node triangle with constant mebrane strain + DK bending with drill DOF
  • LEDKT discrete Kirchhoff 3-node triangle for plate bending with linear elastic material