Element_Library > Shell_Elements > TransformStr2GL
transformation of strain and stress tensors from local to global reference system
[epsi,sig] = TransformStr2GL (ndm,Tr0,epsi,sig)
TRANSFORMSTR2GL transformation of strain and stress tensors from local to global reference system [EPSI,SIG] = TRANSFORMSTR2GL (NDM,TR0,EPSI,SIG) function to transform the strain and stress tensors from the local to the global reference system; the strain EPSI and stress SIG are supplied in vector form with component order xx,yy,zz,xy,yz,xz and returned in vector form with component order XX,YY,ZZ,XY,YZ,XZ; NDM is the model dimension and TR0 is the rotation matrix from the global to the local reference; the function accounts for the case of a 2d plane stress or strain field in a 3d model
Cross-Reference Information
This function calls:
- Inel4nodeMindlinReShellwITC isoparametric inelastic 4 node quad Mindlin RC layer shell element with ITC
- Inel4nodeMindlinShellwITC isoparametric inelastic 4 node quad Mindlin layer shell element with ITC
- Inel4to9nodeMindlinReShell inelastic isoparametric 4-9 node quad Mindlin element with reinforcing layers
- Inel4to9nodeMindlinShell isoparametric 4-9 node quad layer shell element with inelastic material
- Inel4to9nodeQuad isoparametric 4-9 node quadrilateral element with inelastic material
- Inel4to9nodeReQuad isoparametric 4-9 node quad element with inelastic material and reinforcing layers
- InelCST constant strain triangle with inelastic material under plane stress/strain
- InelLST linear strain triangle with inelastic material under plane stress/strain
- LE4nodeMindlinShellwITC linear elastic isoparametric 4-node quadrilateral Mindlin shell element with ITC
- LE4nodeQuad isoparametric 4-node quadrilateral element with linear elastic material
- LE4nodeQuadwIM isoparametric 4-node quad element with linear elastic material and incompatible bending modes
- LE4to9nodeMindlinShell linear elastic isoparametric 4-9 node quadrilateral Mindlin shell element
- LE4to9nodeQuad isoparametric 4-9 node quadrilateral element with linear elastic material
- LE9nodeQuad isoparametric 9 node quadrilateral element with linear elastic material
- LECMSDKTShell linear elastic 3-node triangle with constant mebrane strain + DK bending
- LECMSDKTShell_wDDOF linear elastic 3-node triangle with constant mebrane strain + DK bending with drill DOF
- LECST constant strain triangle with linear elastic material under plane stress/strain
- LELST linear strain triangle with linear elastic material under plane stress/strain