Element_Library > Shell_Elements > shape2dQT



shape functions for 4-9 node quadrilateral element and 3-6 node triangle


[N,dNdx,J] = shape2dQT (option,nat,xyz,nodix)


 SHAPE2DQT shape functions for 4-9 node quadrilateral element and 3-6 node triangle
  [N,dNdx,J] = SHAPE2DQT (NAT,XYZ,NODIX) shape functions for 4-9 node quadrilateral element and 3-6 node triangle

  Input Parameters
  option = 'T' for triangle
  nat    = [ xi eta ] natural coordinates of element
  xyz    = nodal coordinates for element (row i for node i)
  nodix  = node index, e.g. [1:4 7 8] if nodes 1 through 4 (always), 7 and 8 are present 
  Return Variables
  N     = shape functions in natural coordinates
  dNdx  = dNdx(i,j) = derivative of shape function j with respect to geometric coordinate x_i
  J     = Jacobian of transformation from geometric to natural coordinates

Cross-Reference Information

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