Element_Library > Shell_Elements > shapeLST



shape functions for 6 node linear strain triangle


[N,dNdx,J] = shapeLST (xi,xyz)


SHAPELST shape functions for 6 node linear strain triangle
  [N,dNdx,J] = SHAPELST(XI,XYZ) shape functions for 6 node linear strain triangle

  Input Parameters
  xi   = natural (area) coordinates of element
  xyz  = nodal coordinates for element (row i for node i)
  Return Variables
  N    = shape functions in natural coordinates
  dNdx = dNdx(i,j) = derivative of shape function j with respect to geometric coordinate x_i
  J    = Jacobian of transformation from geometric to natural coordinates

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

This function is called by:
  • InelLST linear strain triangle with inelastic material under plane stress/strain
  • LELST linear strain triangle with linear elastic material under plane stress/strain