Geometry > ElmLenOr



element length and x-axis orientation (direction cosines)


[L,dcx] = ElmLenOr (xyz)


ELMLENOR element length and x-axis orientation (direction cosines)
  the function determines the length L and x-axis orientation of an element
  with end node coordinates XYZ (column 1 for node i, column 2 for node j);
  the direction cosines for the element x-axis are reported in vector DCX

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

This function is called by:
  • Check3dFrmAxes check that y-axis is not co-linear with element chord
  • Inel2dFrm inelastic 2d frame element with different basic element types
  • Inel3dFrm_wLHNMYS 3d frame element with elastic-linear hardening plastic axial-flexure hinges
  • InelTruss 2d/3d inelastic truss element under linear or nonlinear geometry
  • DeformShape2dFrm deformed shape of linear elastic, uniform, prismatic 2d frame element
  • DeformShape2dFrm_wDispIntp deformed shape of 2d frame element with cubic polynomials
  • DeformShape3dFrm deformed shape of linear elastic, uniform, prismatic 3d frame element
  • DeformShape3dFrm_wDispIntp deformed shape of 3d frame element with cubic polynomials
  • DeformShape2dFrm_wCurvIntp deformed shape of 2d frame element from curvatures
  • DeformShape3dFrm_wCurvIntp deformed shape of 3d frame element from curvatures
  • Dinel2dFrm_EBwDF 2d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (displacement formulation)
  • Dinel2dFrm_EBwFF 2d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (force formulation)
  • Dinel3dFrm_EBwDF Euler-Bernoulli 3d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (displacement formulation)
  • Dinel3dFrm_EBwFF 3d-frame element with distributed inelasticity (iterative force formulation)
  • Mass4Taper2dFrm_wDF consistent mass matrix for tapered 2d frame element with displ interpolation
  • LE2dFrm 2d LE frame element under linear or nonlinear geometry
  • LE2dFrm_w2ndOrdDF 2d LE frame element with moderate deformations under linear or NL geometry
  • LE2dFrm_w2ndOrdFF 2d LE frame element with moderate deformations under linear or NL geometry
  • LE2dFrm_wPdelta 2d linear elastic frame element with P-delta effect under linear or nonlinear geometry
  • LE2dFrm_wVarIDF 2d LE frame element with variable cross section under linear or NL geometry
  • LE2dFrm_wVarIFF 2d LE frame element with variable cross section under linear or NL geometry
  • LE3dFrm 3d linear frame element under linear or nonlinear geometry
  • LETruss 2d/3d linear truss element under linear or nonlinear geometry
  • Mass4Prism2dFrm consistent mass matrix for prismatic 2d frame element
  • A_matrix kinematic matrix of structural model with 2d/3d truss and 2d frame elements
  • Aj_matrix kinematic matrix of structural model with 2d/3d truss and 2d frame elements
  • B_matrix equilibrium matrix of structural model with 2d/3d truss and 2d frame elements
  • Create_PwForces set up equivalent nodal forces due to uniform element loading w
  • Fs_matrix block diagonal matrix of element flexibity matrices for structural model
  • Kf_matrix stiffness matrix at free dofs of structural model
  • Ks_matrix block diagonal matrix of basic element stiffness matrices for structural model
  • Q0_vector initial (fixed-end) force vector for structural model
  • V0_vector initial element deformation vector for the structural model
  • DefGeom_2dFrm determines current length and corotational diad of 2-node, 2d frame element
  • DefGeom_3dFrm determines current length and corotational triad of 2-node, 3d frame element
  • GeomTran_2dFrm kinematic matrices and deformations for a 2-node 2d frame element
  • GeomTran_Truss kinematic matrices and deformations for a 2-node truss element
  • Large2du2v_Frm determine 2d frame element deformations from end displacements
  • kg_2dFrm geometric stiffness matrix for 2-node 2d frame element for different options
  • kg_3dFrm geometric stiffness matrix for 2-node 3d frame element different options
  • kg_Truss geometric stiffness matrix for 2d/3d 2-node truss element for different options
  • Event2Event_NLAnalysis event-to-event incremental analysis with linear or P-DELTA geometry
  • PlasticAnalysis collapse load factor, basic forces, and collapse mechanism by plastic analysis
  • Draw_Arrow draws 2d or 3d arrow
  • Get_IPVarDistr plots distribution of integration point variables of elements with sections
  • Label_2dMoments label end moment values for 2d frame elements in current window
  • Label_AxialForces label axial force values in current window
  • Plot_2dCurvDistr plot curvature distribution of 2d linear elastic frame elements
  • Plot_2dMomntDistr plots moment distribution for 2d frame elements in current window
  • Plot_AxialForces plot axial forces in current window
  • Plot_ForcDistr plots internal force distribution for truss and frame elements in ElemList
  • Plot_IPVarDistr plots distribution of integration point variables of elements with sections
  • Get_HngPos4DefoElem determine axial and flexural hinge position for deformed element
  • Get_ModelScale determines maximum and minimum element length in Model
  • Label_Model displays element and node numbers and global axes in the current window
  • Plot_ElemLoading display element loading in current window
  • Plot_OpenPlasticHinges display plastic hinge locations in original or deformed configuration
  • Plot_PlasticHinges display plastic hinge locations in current window
  • Plot_Releases display element releases in current window
  • Add_OpenPHIndx2Post add index to POST for open plastic hinges in elements
  • Add_Brace2Frame adds brace elements to a bay of a frame