Geometry > TranJnt
sets up transformation matrix for finite size joints
aj = TranJnt (JntOff)
TRANJNT sets up transformation matrix for finite size joints AJ = TRANJNT (JNTOFF) the function sets up the transformation matrix AJ for finite size joints of 2d and 3d frame elements; the rigid joint offsets at the element ends are specified in array JNTOFF with the first column corresponding to node i and the second column to node j
Cross-Reference Information
This function calls:
- DeformShape2dFrm deformed shape of linear elastic, uniform, prismatic 2d frame element
- DeformShape2dFrm_wDispIntp deformed shape of 2d frame element with cubic polynomials
- DeformShape3dFrm deformed shape of linear elastic, uniform, prismatic 3d frame element
- DeformShape3dFrm_wDispIntp deformed shape of 3d frame element with cubic polynomials
- DeformShape2dFrm_wCurvIntp deformed shape of 2d frame element from curvatures
- DeformShape3dFrm_wCurvIntp deformed shape of 3d frame element from curvatures
- Aj_matrix kinematic matrix of structural model with 2d/3d truss and 2d frame elements
- GeomTran_2dFrm kinematic matrices and deformations for a 2-node 2d frame element
- GeomTran_3dFrm kinematic matrices and deformations for a 2-node 3d frame element
- Plot_DeformedStructure plot deformed shape of the structure
- Plot_Model plots the original or deformed geometry of the structural model
- Plot_OpenPlasticHinges display plastic hinge locations in original or deformed configuration
- Plot_PlasticHinges display plastic hinge locations in current window