
Hardeninglibrary of hardening functions for plasticity models
Inel3dMatwConstr3d inelastic material under stress constraints (condensation)
InelDPwCapwLH3dMatinelastic 3d material model with Drucker-Prager plasticity with tension cutoff
InelDPwLH3dMatinelastic 3d material model with Drucker-Prager plasticity and kinematic and isotropic hardening
InelGJ2P3dMat3d generalized J2 plasticity material model
InelGJ2PStrConstr3dMat 3d general plasticity J2 material under constrained stress state
InelJ2PwLH3dMatinelastic 3d material model with J2 plasticity and linear kinematic and isotropic hardening
InelJ2PwLH3dto1dMatinelastic 1d response of J2 plastic material with linear kinematic and isotropic hardening
InelJ2PwLHStrConstr3dMatinelastic 3d material with J2 plasticity and linear hardening under stress constraints
InelRe3dMatwConstr3d inelastic material with smeared reinforcement under stress constraints
LEIso3dMatlinear elastic, isotropic 3d material model
LEIsoConstr3dMatlinear elastic, isotropic 3d material model with stress or strain constraints
OneParamPlastDamg3dMat3d generalized damage plasticity material model
Vec2Tensortransforms vector to tensor and vice versa

Other files in this directory

  • Mazars3dConcrete.p
  • OneParamPlastDamg3dMat.p