Material_Library > 3dMaterials > GenDiagNdMat
MatResp = GenDiagNdMat (action,MatNo,MatData,MatState)
GENDIAGNDMAT MATRESP = GENDIAGNDMAT (ACTION,MAT_NO,MATDATA,MATSTATE) Function determines the stress-strain relation for a general Nd material model defined assembly a series of defined material model; each material model is decoupled from the others. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ the character variable ACTION should have one of the following values ACTION = 'chec' function checks material property data for omissions and returns default values in MATDATA 'init' function returns the material history variables in MATSTATE 'forc' function returns the material stress (tensor) in MATSTATE 'stif' function returns the material tangent modulus and the stress (tensor) in MATSTATE 'post' function returns data structure MATPOST with post-processing information depending on the value of character variable ACTION the function returns information in data structure MATRESP for the material with number MAT_NO; data structure MATDATA supplies the material property data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ data structure MATRESP stands for one of the following data objects depending on value of ACTION MATRESP = MATDATA for action = 'chec' MATRESP = MATSTATE for action = 'hist' MATRESP = MATSTATE for action = 'stif' MATRESP = MATSTATE for action = 'forc' MATRESP = MATPOST for action = 'post' MATRESP is empty for action = 'data' and for unsupported keywords ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MATSTATE is a data structure with information about the current material state in fields eps = total strain Nx1 vector Deps = strain increments from last convergence DDeps = strain increments from last iteration epsdot = strain rate Nx1 vector km = material stiffness matrix; returned under ACTION = 'stif' sig = stress Nx1 vector; returned under ACTION = 'stif' or 'forc' Past = material history variables at last converged state Pres = current values of material history variables The stiffness matrix and the stress vector are organized in this way: [km_1 0 0 ... 0] [sig_1] [ 0 km_2 0 ... 0] [sig_2] km = [ 0 0 km_3 ... 0] sig = [sig_3] [ ... ... ... ... ...] [ ... ] [ 0 0 0 ... km_M] [sig_M] where M is the number of material model used to compone the global one. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MATDATA contains the field "Mat". This is a 1xM cell array data structures with material property information; each cell MAT{i} contains the fields required for the specific material model to add to the global one ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MATPOST contains the field "Mat". This is a 1xM cell array data. This is a 1xM cell array data structures with material response information for post-processing; each cell MAT{i} contains the fields provided by the specific material model added to the global one
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