Material_Library > DmgEvow1pnd



damage model with one positive and one negative damage index


DmgResp = DmgEvow1pnd (action,DmgData,DmgState)


DMGEVOw1PND damage model with one positive and one negative damage index
  the function determines the true response of a force-deformation relation of any type
  under a damage evolution rule with one positive and one negative damage index
  When the character variable ACTION has one of the following values,
  the function performs the listed operations and returns the results in DMGRESP:
  ACTION = 'chec': check damage parameters for omissions and assign default values
           'init': initialize history variables for damage evolution
           'forc': report true force
           'stif': report true force and stiffness
           'post': report post-processing information
  The data structure DMGRESP stands for the following data object(s) for each ACTION:
  DMGRESP = DMGDATA    for action = 'chec'
  DMGRESP = DMGSTATE   for action = 'init'
  DMGRESP = DMGSTATE   for action = 'stif'
  DMGRESP = DMGSTATE   for action = 'forc'
  DMGRESP = DMGPOST    for action = 'post'
  DMGDATA is a data structure with damage parameter information; it has the fields
    dFun   = damage evolution function ( default = MBeta )
    DOpt   = 'total' (for total energy) or 'plastic' for plastic energy dissipation
    dp     = damage rule parameters (nx2, first column for +ve, second for -ve;
             n depends on the damage rule, for statistical functions n=2, default ones(2) )
    Cd0    = scale factor of yield energy for damage threshold ( 1x2, default [ 1 1 ] ) 
    Cd1    = scale factor of yield energy for complete damage  ( 1x2, default [ 100 100 ] )
    Cwc    = influence factor for repeat cycles  (0=none to 1=full)( 1x2, default [ 0 0 ] )
    Ccd    = damage coupling for opposite stress (0=none to 1=full)( 1x2, default [ 1 1 ] )
    psi_d0 = enery dissipation value at initiation of damage
    psi_d1 = enery dissipation value at completion of damage 
    Frac   = false or true for fracture inclusion (default=false)
    psiF   = if Frac is true, energy at fracture initiation ( 1x2 )
    psiU   = if Frac is true, energy at fracture completion ( 1x2 )
  DMGSTATE is a data structure with the current damage state; it has the fields
         e    = total deformation
         De   = deformation increment from last convergence
         se   = effective force (from effective force-deformation relation)
         ep   = plastic deformation (if available from effective force-deformation relation)
         epP  = plastic deformation at last convergence
         s    = true force; updated under ACTION = 'stif'
         k    = true stiffness; updated under ACTION = 'stif' or 'forc'
         Past = damage history variables at last converged state
         Pres = current damage history variables
         the history variables of the damage evolution model are
             d     = damage indices                    ( 1x2)( +ve -ve )
             psi   = energy dissipation                ( 1x2 )
             se    = last effective force   value      (scalar)
             eEx   = extreme strain             values ( 1x2 )
             psiEx = extreme energy dissipation values ( 1x2 )

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

  • DmgLib value and slope of damage evolution function FNAME
This function is called by:
  • Gen1dMatwDmg 1d material with damage evolution of any effective stress-strain relation