Material_Library > DmgEvow1pnd
damage model with one positive and one negative damage index
DmgResp = DmgEvow1pnd (action,DmgData,DmgState)
DMGEVOw1PND damage model with one positive and one negative damage index DMGRESP = DMGEVOw1PND (ACTION,DMGDATA,DMGSTATE) the function determines the true response of a force-deformation relation of any type under a damage evolution rule with one positive and one negative damage index ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When the character variable ACTION has one of the following values, the function performs the listed operations and returns the results in DMGRESP: ACTION = 'chec': check damage parameters for omissions and assign default values 'init': initialize history variables for damage evolution 'forc': report true force 'stif': report true force and stiffness 'post': report post-processing information ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The data structure DMGRESP stands for the following data object(s) for each ACTION: DMGRESP = DMGDATA for action = 'chec' DMGRESP = DMGSTATE for action = 'init' DMGRESP = DMGSTATE for action = 'stif' DMGRESP = DMGSTATE for action = 'forc' DMGRESP = DMGPOST for action = 'post' ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DMGDATA is a data structure with damage parameter information; it has the fields dFun = damage evolution function ( default = MBeta ) DOpt = 'total' (for total energy) or 'plastic' for plastic energy dissipation dp = damage rule parameters (nx2, first column for +ve, second for -ve; n depends on the damage rule, for statistical functions n=2, default ones(2) ) Cd0 = scale factor of yield energy for damage threshold ( 1x2, default [ 1 1 ] ) Cd1 = scale factor of yield energy for complete damage ( 1x2, default [ 100 100 ] ) Cwc = influence factor for repeat cycles (0=none to 1=full)( 1x2, default [ 0 0 ] ) Ccd = damage coupling for opposite stress (0=none to 1=full)( 1x2, default [ 1 1 ] ) psi_d0 = enery dissipation value at initiation of damage psi_d1 = enery dissipation value at completion of damage Frac = false or true for fracture inclusion (default=false) psiF = if Frac is true, energy at fracture initiation ( 1x2 ) psiU = if Frac is true, energy at fracture completion ( 1x2 ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ DMGSTATE is a data structure with the current damage state; it has the fields e = total deformation De = deformation increment from last convergence se = effective force (from effective force-deformation relation) ep = plastic deformation (if available from effective force-deformation relation) epP = plastic deformation at last convergence s = true force; updated under ACTION = 'stif' k = true stiffness; updated under ACTION = 'stif' or 'forc' Past = damage history variables at last converged state Pres = current damage history variables the history variables of the damage evolution model are d = damage indices ( 1x2)( +ve -ve ) psi = energy dissipation ( 1x2 ) se = last effective force value (scalar) eEx = extreme strain values ( 1x2 ) psiEx = extreme energy dissipation values ( 1x2 )
Cross-Reference Information
This function calls:
- DmgLib value and slope of damage evolution function FNAME
- Gen1dMatwDmg 1d material with damage evolution of any effective stress-strain relation