Material_Library > DmgLib



value and slope of damage evolution function FNAME


y = DmgLib (Fname)


DMGLIB value and slope of damage evolution function FNAME
  the function returns the value and slope of the damage evolution function FNAME;
  the library contains the following normalized functions for damage evolution
    None  : no damage
    MBeta : modified beta cumulative distribution with the following parameter relation
            a = dp(2), b = dp(1)*dp(2) for dp(1)>1 and a = dp(2)/dp(1), b=dp(2) otherwise
    OBeta : beta cumulative distribution      with parameters dp(1) and dp(2)
    Wbl   : Weibull cumulative distribution   with parameters dp(1) and dp(2)
    Logn  : lognormal cumulative distribution with parameters dp(1) and dp(2)
    Bilin : bilinear   function with parameters dp(1)-dp(3)
    Trilin: trilinear  function with parameters dp(1)-dp(5)

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

This function is called by:
  • DmgEvow1pnd damage model with one positive and one negative damage index
  • DmgEvow2pnd damage model with two positive and two negative damage indices with interaction