Section_Library > Extract_Sec2MatState



extract material state from section state


MatState = Extract_Sec2MatState (m,as,SecState)


EXTRACT_SEC2MATSTATE extract material state from section state
  function extracts from data structure SECSTATE the necessary information
  for material point M, and returns it in data structure MATSTATE;
  it needs compatibility array AS to determine material strains from section deformations

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

This function is called by:
  • CompReCircSecw1dMat response of reinforced composite circular section with uniaxial materials
  • HomoCircSecw1dMat response of homogeneous circular section with uniaxial material
  • HomoCircSecwNdMat response of homogeneous circular section with 1d/2d/3d materia
  • HomoRectSecw1dMat response of homogeneous rectangular section with uniaxial material
  • HomoRectSecwNdMat response of homogeneous rectangular section with 1d/2d/3d material
  • HomoWFSecw1dMat response of homogeneous wide flange (WF) section with uniaxial material
  • MultRectSecw1dMat response for section of rectangular patches and bars with uniaxial material
  • ReCircSecw1dMat response of reinforced circular section with uniaxial materials
  • ReRectSecw1dMat response of reinforced rectangular section with uniaxial materials