Solution_Library > Scripts > S_ForceMethod
script for force method of structural analysis
This is a script file.
FORCEMETHOD script for force method of structural analysis the script contains the steps for the force method of structural analysis: (1) set up the equilibrium matrix Bf (2) set up the force influence matrices for the primary structure Bbari and Bbarx (3) set up the collection of element flexibility matrices Fs (4) set up the compatibility conditions and solve for the redundant basic forces Qx (5) determine the basic element forces Q=Qp+Bbarx*Qx (6) determine the element deformations Ve=Fs*Q+V0 (7) determine the free DOF displacements Uf=Bbari'*Ve
Cross-Reference Information
This function calls:
- B_matrix equilibrium matrix of structural model with 2d/3d truss and 2d frame elements
- BbariBbarx_matrix force influence matrices of primary structure from equilibrium matrix Bf
- Create_PwForces set up equivalent nodal forces due to uniform element loading w
- Fs_matrix block diagonal matrix of element flexibity matrices for structural model
- V0_vector initial element deformation vector for the structural model
- H_index cell array of indices into structure arrays for continuous element deformations
- Complete_QV complete basic force QIN and element deformation vector VE with values at releases