Solution_Library > Static_Analysis > Initialize



initialize analysis variables in STATE and load control parameters in SOLSTRAT


[State,SolStrat] = Initialize (Model,ElemData,Loading,State,SolStrat)


INITIALIZE initialize analysis variables in STATE and load control parameters in SOLSTRAT
  the function initializes analysis variables in STATE and load control parameters
  in SOLSTRAT (only if IncrStrat.LFCtrl = 'yes');
  the function returns updated data structures STATE and SOLSTRAT:
  MODEL is a data structure with information about the structural model, ELEMDATA is
  a cell array with element properties, and LOADING is a data structure with information
  about applied force and imposed displacement patterns and corresponding load histories;
  specifically the function adds the following fields to STATE
       lamda = row vector of current load factors
       Pi    = initial force vector (for load sequences)
       Time  = pseudo-or real time counter
  the function also adds the field HIST to SOLSTRAT with subfields Sp0 and sgnK0 for
  adjusting the load factor under load incrementation, if IncrStrat.LFCtrl='yes'

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

  • Structure performs requested action on group of elements
  • LoadFactorControl determine load factor increment under load control strategy
This function is called by: