Solution_Library > Static_Analysis > PlasticAnalysis



collapse load factor, basic forces, and collapse mechanism by plastic analysis


[lamdac,Qc,DUf,DVpl] = PlasticAnalysis (Model,ElemData,Loading,LPOpt)


PLASTICANALYSIS collapse load factor, basic forces, and collapse mechanism by plastic analysis
  the function determines the collapse load factor LAMDAC of a structural model under loading
  information in data structure LOADING; the latter should have the field PREF for the
  load pattern to be factored, and may include a field Pcf for the load pattern to remain constant;
  the data structure MODEL contains information about the structural model, and
  element property information is provided in cell array ELEMDATA;
  the function also returns the basic forces at incipient collapse in vector QC, the
  displacement increments of the collapse mechanism in vector DUF, and the plastic
  deformation increments of the collapse mechanism in vector DVPL
  LPOPT is an optional data structure for selecting options of
  the linear programming algorithm; these options are discussed in the
  Matlab manual pages for the linprog function
  the function uses 'dual-simplex' and 'LargeScale' by default; 
  the tolerance variable tol refers to OptimalityTolerance of the dual-simplex
  algorithm with default value 1e-7

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

  • A_matrix kinematic matrix of structural model with 2d/3d truss and 2d frame elements
  • Aj_matrix kinematic matrix of structural model with 2d/3d truss and 2d frame elements
  • Localize returns the node coordinates and id array of element
  • ElmLenOr element length and x-axis orientation (direction cosines)
This function is called by: