Solution_Library > Transient_Analysis > TimeIntegrationConstants
constants of time integration strategy
Int_Constants = TimeIntegrationConstants (TimeStrat,option)
TIMEINTEGRATIONCONSTANTS constants of time integration strategy INT_CONSTANTS = TIMEINTEGRATIONCONSTANTS (TIMESTRAT) the function determines the constants of the time integration strategy speficied in field Type of data structure TIMESTRAT and returns them in vector INT_CONSTRANTS the data structure TIMESTRAT contains information about the integration strategy in fiels DELTAT = time step (scalar) TYPE = name of integration method (character variable) PARAM = parameters of integration method (vector)
Cross-Reference Information
This function calls:
- OneTransientIteration single equilibrium iteration under transient conditions
- TransientIncrement load incrementation and state advance under transient conditions
- Update_TransientState final state determination under transient conditions, reset increments and history