Utilities > PreProcessing > Elements > ElemData4SteelFrame



generate element properties for steel moment resisting frame (SMRF)


[ColElemData,GrdElemData] = ElemData4SteelFrame (Frame,Data,DBase,LUnit,Member)


ELEMDATA4STEELFRAME generate element properties for steel moment resisting frame (SMRF)
  the function assigns the properties for inelastic frame elements with
  force resultant sections from column and girder section information in FRAME
  by extracting the section properties with the help of function DBASE
  from the corresponding steel section database;
  DATA carries information about the material properties;
  the optional argument LUNIT specifies the length unit
  for the section property data and the optional character argument MEMBER
  limits the section property retrieval to the girders or columns
  with 'girders' or 'columns' respectively
  COLELEMDATA and GRDELEMDATA are cell arrays with the same organization
  as FRAME.CINDX and FRAME.GINDX, respectively

Cross-Reference Information

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