
Add_Bars2Sectionadd bar group geometry and material data to section data
Add_Shape2Sectionadd section shape geometry and material data to section data
CircLayer2Barlocations of discrete bars on a circular layer
Create_BoxOutlinegenerate geometry outline for box section
Create_BoxwOvhOutlinegenerate geometry outline for box section
Create_CSecOutlinegenerate geometry outline for C-section
Create_CircBarGridarea and coordinates for circular grid of bars
Create_IPMesh4Circintegration point coordinates, weights and material IDs for circular disc or annulus
Create_IPMesh4MultRectShapefiber discretization for section of several rectangular patches
Create_IPMesh4Rectcoordinates, weights and material IDs for rectangular section with cover
Create_IPMesh4WFShapecoordinates, weights and material IDs for wide flange section
Create_ISecOutlinegenerate geometry outline for I-section
Create_LSecOutlinegenerate geometry outline for L-section
Create_MPMesh4Circgenerate the mesh for a circular disc or annulus
Create_MultRectShapegenerate geometry outline and assign material properties for shape of rectangular patches
Create_RectBarGridarea and coordinates for rectangular grid of bars
Create_RectOutlinegenerate geometry outline for rectangular section
Create_RectPatchgenerate corner coordinates of rectangular patch for given reference point
Create_RectShapegenerate geometry outline and assign material properties for rectangle
Create_RectwCovOutlinegenerate geometry outline for rectangular section with cover
Create_SSecOutlinegenerate geometry outline for C-section
Create_ShapewMatgenerate geometry outline and assign material properties for shape STYPE
Create_TSecOutlinegenerate geometry outline for T-section
MP1dInt4Circintegration points and weights for 1d-midpoint rule of circular disc or annulus
MP2dInt4Circintegration points and weights for 2d-midpoint rule of circular disc or annulus
Rectangle2Fiberintegration points and weights for 2d-integration of a rectangle
Rectangle2Layerintegration points and weights for 1d-integration of a rectangle