Utilities > PreProcessing > Sections > Create_BoxwOvhOutline



generate geometry outline for box section


[Outline,A,sy,sz] = Create_BoxwOvhOutline (Data)


CREATE_BOXwOVHOUTLINE generate geometry outline for box section
  the function creates the data structure OUTLINE for box section with overhang
  with geometric properties in data structure DATA with the following fields: 
       d  = total depth
       bf = flange width
       tf = flange thickness
       tw = web    thickness
       bo = overhang width 
       Loc = 1 or 2 for flange above or below the z-axis
       FlgOpt = true/false, FlgOpt = true : single outline for flange
       WebOpt = true/false, WebOpt = true : single outline for web
       FlgOpt = false + WebOpt = false : create separate outline for web-flange intersection 
  the function returns the following information
       A  = area of the cross section
       SY = centroidal distance relative to section mid-depth
       SZ = centroidal distance relative to section mid-width

  Dimensions and coordinate system:

                               y ^
               bo                |               bo
           |                  tf |                     |
           .----------.   .------|------.   . ---------.
                      |   |      |      |   | 
                z <-------+----- +      |   |  d 
                      |tw |             |   |
                      |   '-------------'   |
                      |         tf          | 

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

  • Create_RectPatch generate corner coordinates of rectangular patch for given reference point
This function is called by: