Utilities > PreProcessing > Sections > Create_CircBarGrid



area and coordinates for circular grid of bars


FibAyz = Create_CircBarGrid (BarData)


CREATE_CIRCBARGRID area and coordinates for circular grid of bars 
  the function generates an array FIBAYZ with the coordinates and area of bars in a circular grid;
  the data structure BARDATA supplies details of the bar arrangement in fields
  AB  = area of one bar,
  R   = [ Ro Ri ] radii of outermost and innermost layer (default Ri = Ro), 
  NBR = no of bars in radial direction (default = 1),
  NBP = no of bars in circumferential direction (default = 1);
  PHI = [PHIs PHIe] angles for the first and the last bar of each layer in radians measured 
  from the y-axis (default = [0 2*pi])

  each row of the FIBAYZ array corresponds to one bar with the y-coordinate of the bar in the first,
  the z-coordinate in the second, and the area of the bar in the third column.

  Coordinate system:
                                   ^ y
                                 . + .
                               /   |   \
                              /    |R   \
                        z <--|-----+     |
                              \ R       /
                               \       /
                                 . _ .

Cross-Reference Information

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