Utilities > PreProcessing > Sections > Create_IPMesh4MultRectShape



fiber discretization for section of several rectangular patches


Shape = Create_IPMesh4MultRectShape (Shape,MeshData)


CREATE_IPMESH4MULTRECTSHAPE fiber discretization for section of several rectangular patches
  the function generates and adds the integration point locations and weights for the shape
  in SHAPE.SType to a section of rectangular patches described in the data structure SHAPE;
  the data structure MESHDATA supplies details for the fiber discretization in the fields:
  MESHDATA.ny  = number of IPs in the y-direction (for rectangular sections)
          .nz  = number of IPs in the z-direction (for rectangular sections)
          .ncl = number of IPs in the longitudinal cover direction (for rectangular sections)
          .nct = number of IPs in the transverse   cover direction (for rectangular sections)
          .nfl = number of IPs along  the flange width
          .nft = number of IPs across the flange thickness
          .nwl = number of IPs along  the web depth
          .nwt = number of IPs across the web thickness
          .niy = number of IPs in the y-direction for flange-web intersection
          .niz = number of IPs in the z-direction for flange-web intersection
          .IntTyp = quadrature rule
          .ndm = 2 (discretization in y), 3 (discretization in y and z)
  the data structure SHAPE supplies the section shape and the outline in the fields
  SHAPE.SType    = character variable for section shape with the following options:
                   'Rect', 'RectwCov', 'I-Shp', 'T-Shp', 'L-Shp', 'C-Shp', 'S-Shp',
                   'Box' , 'BoxwOvh' , 'Circ-Shp'
  SHAPE.Outline  =  cell array with the coordinates of each rectangular patch group:
                   {1} for flange(s), {2} for web(s), {3} for flange-web intersection
  on return SHAPE is enriched with the following fields
  SHAPE.FibAyz   = (nfib x 3) numerical array with y- and z-coordinates and weights of IPs
  SHAPE.FMatID   =  nfib x 1 with the material number for each IP
  SHAPE.MeshData = IP mesh information for SType with relevant scalar fields 
                   ny nz, ncl, nct, nfl, nft, nwl, nwt, niy, niz

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

  • Rectangle2Fiber integration points and weights for 2d-integration of a rectangle
This function is called by: