Utilities > PreProcessing > Sections > Create_IPMesh4Rect



coordinates, weights and material IDs for rectangular section with cover


[yfib,zfib,wfib,MatID] = Create_IPMesh4Rect (SecData)


CREATE_IPMESH4RECT coordinates, weights and material IDs for rectangular section with cover
  the function generates the coordinates YFIB and ZFIB, the integration weights WFIB, and
  the material ID MATID for the fiber discretization of the rectangular section in SECDATA;
  the rectangular section can have a different top/bottom and side cover,
  as may be required for sections with reinforcing bars;
  SECDATA has two fields for assigning material IDs to core and cover fibers:
  FMatID  = row vector with material ID for corresponding core fiber  (default = row vector of 1s)
  FCovMID = row vector with material ID for corresponding cover fiber (default = row vector of 2s)

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

  • Create_RectShape generate geometry outline and assign material properties for rectangle
  • Rectangle2Fiber integration points and weights for 2d-integration of a rectangle
This function is called by:
  • ReRectSecw1dMat response of reinforced rectangular section with uniaxial materials