Utilities > PreProcessing > Sections > Create_RectPatch



generate corner coordinates of rectangular patch for given reference point


yz = Create_RectPatch (ty,tz,sy,sz)


CREATE_RECTPATCH generate corner coordinates of rectangular patch for given reference point
  the function generates the corner coordinates of a rectangular patch TY x TZ, where TY is
  the dimension in Y and TZ is the dimension in Z, with respect to a reference point at a
  distance SY in Y and SZ in Z from the centroid of the patch;
  the function returns the corner coordinates in the 1x4 array YZ = [Y1 Z1 Y2 Z2] where
  1 refers to the upper left corner and 2 to the lower right corner of the rectangular patch

  Section coordinate system:
                                   ^ y
                               |   |   |
                               |   |   |
                         z <---+---+   |
                               |       |
                               |       |

Cross-Reference Information

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