Utilities > PreProcessing > Sections > Create_RectwCovOutline



generate geometry outline for rectangular section with cover


[Outline,A,sy,sz] = Create_RectwCovOutline (Data)


CREATE_RECTwCOVOUTLINE generate geometry outline for rectangular section with cover
  the function creates the data structure OUTLINE for rectangular section with cover
  with geometric properties in data structure DATA with the following fields:
       ndm = 2 or 3 for uniaxial or biaxial section model, respectively 
       d   = depth
       b   = width
       cv(1:2) = cover thickness top/bottom, left/right (default = same thickness)

  the function returns the following information
       A  = area of the cross section
       SY = centroidal distance relative to section mid-depth
       SZ = centroidal distance relative to section mid-width

  Dimensions and coordinate system:

                        y ^                        
                      |   |   |                
                      |   |   |                 
                z <---+---+   |  d             
                      |       |            
                      |       |                

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

  • Create_RectPatch generate corner coordinates of rectangular patch for given reference point
This function is called by: