Utilities > PreProcessing > Sections > MP2dInt4Circ



integration points and weights for 2d-midpoint rule of circular disc or annulus


[yfib,zfib,wfib] = MP2dInt4Circ (R,nrfib,nthfib,MeshOpt)


MP2dINT4CIRC integration points and weights for 2d-midpoint rule of circular disc or annulus
  the function determines the locations in vectors YFIB and ZFIB and the integration weights in vector WFIB
  for midpoint integration of a circular disc or annulus with number of integration points NRFIB
  in the radial direction and either a fixed number NTHFIB or a variable number
  of integration points (IPs) in the circumferential direction where
  YFIB, ZFIB and WFIB are (NFTOT x 1) column vectors, with NFTOT the total number of fibers;
  R = [Ro Ri] is the outer/inner radius of the annulus (for circular disc R = Ro);
  the discretization is controlled by the optional data structure MESHOPT with the following fields:
  MESHOPT.BASIC = true (for NRFIB x NTHFIB mesh) or false (for NRFIB x variable NTHFIB mesh)
         .CP    = true (with IP at center)       or false (without IP at center)
         .UW    = true (for uniform IP weight)   or false (for variable IP weight)
         .ThInc = increment in number of circumferential fibers/quadrant
         .IPCg  = true (IP at exact centroid)    or false (IP at average ring radius)
         .Phi   = angle of first integration point in circumferential direction relative to y-axis
                  if Phi='var' each ring is offset by half the angle between successive IPs
         .Nthst = initial number of circumferential fibers/quadrant (default = 4*Ri/Ro)
         .Rdrat = limit ratio of Ri/Ro; for Ri/Ro larger than the limit the function uses the
                  specified NTHFIB number in the circumferential direction, otherwise it uses
                  the mesh discretization specified in MESHOPT
  Default values for MESHOPT fields:
         BASIC = true, CP = false, UW = false, ThInc = 1, IPCg = true, Phi = 0, Rdrat = 0.75

  Section coordinate system:
                                   ^ y
                                 . + .
                               /   |   \
                              /    |    \
                         z <- |----+     | 
                              \         /
                               \       /
                                 . _ .

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

This function is called by:
  • Create_IPMesh4Circ integration point coordinates, weights and material IDs for circular disc or annulus