Utilities > PreProcessing > Structure > Add_Brace2Frame



adds brace elements to a bay of a frame


Frame = Add_Brace2Frame (Frame,BayNo,BrType,EccR,StrRng,nsBr)


ADD_BRACE2FRAME adds brace elements to a bay of a frame
  the function adds braces to the bay BAYNO of the frame in data structure
  FRAME over the stories in the contiguous range STRRNG (default is all stories);
  the braces are subdivided into NSBR elements with middle eccentricity ECCR,
  where ECCR is specified as a percentage of the brace length (default = 0)
  BRTYPE is a character variable with the following options:
   'RDbr': rising diagonal brace
   'FDbr': falling diagonal brace
   'IVbr': inverted V-brace
   'RVbr': regular  V-brace
   'AVbr': alternating V- and inverted V-braces (also known as X-brace)

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

  • ElmLenOr element length and x-axis orientation (direction cosines)
This function is called by: