Utilities > PreProcessing > Structure > Create_Block



generation of node coordinates and element connectivity for quadrilateral block


b = Create_Block (xy,n,type)


CREATE_BLOCK generation of node coordinates and element connectivity for quadrilateral block
  B = CREATE_BLOCK(XY,N,TYPE) node coordinates and element connectivity for quadrilateral block
  the function generates a triangular or quadrilateral mesh with N(1) x N(2) elements
  depending on variable TYPE;  the generated mesh is returned in data structure B
  with fields B.XY  for the node coordinates and B.CON for the element connectivity   

  Input Variables
  XY   = corner point coordinates of block in counterclockwise (CCW) order
  N    = 2-element vector with number of elements in node 1-2 and node 2-3 directions
  TYPE = 3 : three node triangle (diagonal in the direction 1-3)
  TYPE = 4 :  four node quad
  TYPE = 6 :   six node triangle (diagonal in the direction 1-3) 
  TYPE = 8 : eight node quad     
  TYPE = 9 :  nine node quad

    x  = [0 1 2 -1] ;
    y  = [0 0 1 1] ;
    XY = [x',y']
    b  = block(XY,[2;2]) ;
    creates 2x2 mesh of elements with corners 1: (0,0), 2: (1,0), 3: (2,1) and 4: (-1,1)

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