Utilities > General > Print_Figs2File



prints some or all open figures to file


Print_Figs2File (Figure,FigName,FigOpt,PrOpt)


PRINT_FIGS2FILE prints some or all open figures to file 
  the function prints some or all figures with handles FIGURE to files with the name
  FIGNAME and suffix Fn with n as the numeric identifier;
  if FIGNAME is missing, it is replaced by 'PFile';
  the optional arguments FIGOPT and PROPT are data structures
  with the following fields for controlling the display and the output:
  FIGOPT.Pos   : position of figure(s) relative to display (1x4 numeric array)
                 ( default = [ 0.10 0.10 0.88 0.88 ] )
        .Ornt  : figure orientation ('landscape' or 'portrait'; default='landscape')
   PROPT.Format: file format      (default=-dpdf for PDF file)
        .Reso  : print resolution (default=-r600 for PDF file)
        .Render: plot renderer    (default=-painters)
   Example: Print_Fig2File(Fig([1 4]),'Response') prints the first and the fourth figure
            with handles in data structure Fig to the PDF files ResponseF1 and ResponseF2

Cross-Reference Information

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