General > Bbar_matrix



function for determining force influence matrices of structural model


[Bbar,Bvbar,ind_x] = Bbar_matrix (Model,ElemData)


BBAR_MATRIX function for determining force influence matrices of structural model
  the function determines the force influence matrix BBAR for the applied nodal forces,
  and the force influence matrix BVBAR for the initial element deformations
  of the structural model in data structure MODEL
  with element property information in cell array ELEMDATA;
  IND_X is the redundant force index vector into the basic forces of the structure;
  instead of Model and ElemData the input arguments can be the static matrix BF and
  the collection of flexibility coefficient matrices FS, respectively

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

  • B_matrix equilibrium matrix of structural model with 2d/3d truss and 2d frame elements
  • BbariBbarx_matrix force influence matrices of primary structure from equilibrium matrix Bf
  • Fs_matrix block diagonal matrix of element flexibity matrices for structural model
  • H_index cell array of indices into structure arrays for continuous element deformations
This function is called by: