General > Localize
returns the node coordinates and id array of element
[xyz,id] = Localize (Model,el)
LOCALIZE returns the node coordinates and id array of element [XYZ,ID] = LOCALIZE (MODEL,EL) the function returns the node coordinates XYZ and the id array ID of the element with number EL for the structural model specified in data structure MODEL
Cross-Reference Information
This function calls:
- A_matrix kinematic matrix of structural model with 2d/3d truss and 2d frame elements
- Aj_matrix kinematic matrix of structural model with 2d/3d truss and 2d frame elements
- B_matrix equilibrium matrix of structural model with 2d/3d truss and 2d frame elements
- Create_PwForces set up equivalent nodal forces due to uniform element loading w
- Fs_matrix block diagonal matrix of element flexibity matrices for structural model
- Kf_matrix stiffness matrix at free dofs of structural model
- Ks_matrix block diagonal matrix of basic element stiffness matrices for structural model
- Q0_vector initial (fixed-end) force vector for structural model
- Structure performs requested action on group of elements
- V0_vector initial element deformation vector for the structural model
- Event2Event_NLAnalysis event-to-event incremental analysis with linear or P-DELTA geometry
- PlasticAnalysis collapse load factor, basic forces, and collapse mechanism by plastic analysis
- Get_IPVarDistr plots distribution of integration point variables of elements with sections
- Label_2dMoments label end moment values for 2d frame elements in current window
- Label_AxialForces label axial force values in current window
- Plot_2dCurvDistr plot curvature distribution of 2d linear elastic frame elements
- Plot_2dMomntDistr plots moment distribution for 2d frame elements in current window
- Plot_AxialForces plot axial forces in current window
- Plot_ForcDistr plots internal force distribution for truss and frame elements in ElemList
- Plot_IPVarDistr plots distribution of integration point variables of elements with sections
- Plot_DeformedStructure plot deformed shape of the structure
- Plot_ElemLoading display element loading in current window
- Plot_Model plots the original or deformed geometry of the structural model
- Plot_OpenPlasticHinges display plastic hinge locations in original or deformed configuration
- Plot_PlasticHinges display plastic hinge locations in current window
- Plot_Releases display element releases in current window
- Add_OpenPHIndx2Post add index to POST for open plastic hinges in elements
- Get_StShear determine the story shears for moment resisting frame