General > Condense_MV



condense matrix Kf and vector Pf to a reduced set idr of degrees of freedom


[Kfc,Pfc] = Condense_MV (Kf,idr,Pf)


CONDENSE_MV condense matrix Kf and vector Pf to a reduced set idr of degrees of freedom
  function condenses free dof stiffness matrix KF and applied force vector PF
  to a reduced set of dofs as specified in list or row vector IDR;
  the condensed stiffness matrix is KFC and the initial force vector is PFC

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

This function is called by:
  • InelJ2PwLH2dMat inelastic 2d material with J2 plasticity under linear kinematic and isotropic hardening
  • InelPlnStrs2dMat inelastic material under plane stress in x-y
  • LEIso2dMat linear elastic, isotropic 2d material model under general plane stress or strain conditions
  • Inel3dMatwConstr 3d inelastic material under stress constraints (condensation)
  • InelRe3dMatwConstr 3d inelastic material with smeared reinforcement under stress constraints
  • LEIsoConstr3dMat linear elastic, isotropic 3d material model with stress or strain constraints
  • MatSDwConstr state determination of 3d material under constraints
  • MatSDwDirConstr state determination of 3d material under constraints without iterations
  • MatSDwIterConstr state determination of 3d material under constraints with iterations
  • EigenMode determines eigenfrequencies and eigenmodes of structural model