General > Localize



returns the node coordinates and id array of element


[xyz,id] = Localize (Model,el)


LOCALIZE returns the node coordinates and id array of element
  the function returns the node coordinates XYZ and the id array ID
  of the element with number EL for the structural model specified in data structure MODEL

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

This function is called by:
  • A_matrix kinematic matrix of structural model with 2d/3d truss and 2d frame elements
  • Aj_matrix kinematic matrix of structural model with 2d/3d truss and 2d frame elements
  • B_matrix equilibrium matrix of structural model with 2d/3d truss and 2d frame elements
  • Create_PwForces set up equivalent nodal forces due to uniform element loading w
  • Fs_matrix block diagonal matrix of element flexibity matrices for structural model
  • Kf_matrix stiffness matrix at free dofs of structural model
  • Ks_matrix block diagonal matrix of basic element stiffness matrices for structural model
  • Q0_vector initial (fixed-end) force vector for structural model
  • Structure performs requested action on group of elements
  • V0_vector initial element deformation vector for the structural model
  • Event2Event_NLAnalysis event-to-event incremental analysis with linear or P-DELTA geometry
  • PlasticAnalysis collapse load factor, basic forces, and collapse mechanism by plastic analysis
  • Get_IPVarDistr plots distribution of integration point variables of elements with sections
  • Label_2dMoments label end moment values for 2d frame elements in current window
  • Label_AxialForces label axial force values in current window
  • Plot_2dCurvDistr plot curvature distribution of 2d linear elastic frame elements
  • Plot_2dMomntDistr plots moment distribution for 2d frame elements in current window
  • Plot_AxialForces plot axial forces in current window
  • Plot_ForcDistr plots internal force distribution for truss and frame elements in ElemList
  • Plot_IPVarDistr plots distribution of integration point variables of elements with sections
  • Plot_DeformedStructure plot deformed shape of the structure
  • Plot_ElemLoading display element loading in current window
  • Plot_Model plots the original or deformed geometry of the structural model
  • Plot_OpenPlasticHinges display plastic hinge locations in original or deformed configuration
  • Plot_PlasticHinges display plastic hinge locations in current window
  • Plot_Releases display element releases in current window
  • Add_OpenPHIndx2Post add index to POST for open plastic hinges in elements
  • Get_StShear determine the story shears for moment resisting frame