plot the mesh for section of several rectangular patches
Plot_Mesh4MultRectShape (SecData)
PLOT_MESH4MULTRECTSHAPE plot the mesh for section of several rectangular patches PLOT_MESH4MULTRECTSHAPE (SECDATA) the function plots the mesh for the cross section of several rectangular patches, whose properties are defined in data structure SECDATA; the function uses the line properties #12 in the line property script LineProp4PlotSection
Cross-Reference Information
This function calls:
- LineProp4PlotSection set up graphic attributes for line elements of section plot
- Create_BoxOutline generate geometry outline for box section
- Create_BoxwOvhOutline generate geometry outline for box section
- Create_CSecOutline generate geometry outline for C-section
- Create_ISecOutline generate geometry outline for I-section
- Create_LSecOutline generate geometry outline for L-section
- Create_RectOutline generate geometry outline for rectangular section
- Create_RectwCovOutline generate geometry outline for rectangular section with cover
- Create_SSecOutline generate geometry outline for C-section
- Create_TSecOutline generate geometry outline for T-section
- Plot_SectionGeometry plots cross section geometry in current window