Utilities > PostProcessing > Create_NMInterDiagram
generates the N-Mz interaction diagram of a section
[N,M] = Create_NMInterDiagram (Method,SecType,IntOpt)
CREATE_NMINTERDIAGRAM generates the N-Mz interaction diagram of a section [N,M] = CREATE_NMINTERDIAGRAM (METHOD,SECTYPE,INTOPT) the function generates the pairs of normalized axial force N/Np and bending moment M/Mp for the normal force N - bending moment M interaction diagram of the section SECTYPE; this version supports only rectangular sections and wide flange steel profiles, as specified in the character variable SECTYPE (equal to 'Rect' or Wxxxxx); the character variable METHOD is either equal to 'exact' for the analytical solution or 'num' for the numerical determination of the N-M interaction pairs; in the latter case the optional argument INTOPT has the following fields: .IntTyp = for quadrature scheme (default = 'Midpoint' for midpoint integration rule); .nIP = no of integration points for rectangular section (default = 10) .nIP_fl = no of integration points for flange of W-section (default = 2) .nIP_wb = no of integration points for web of W-section (default = 8)
Cross-Reference Information
This function calls:
- AISC_Section extracts section properties from AISC W-,M-,S-,HP- and HSS-section database
- Rectangle2Layer integration points and weights for 1d-integration of a rectangle