Utilities > PostProcessing > Q2Post
converts the vector of basic forces Q to cell array Post.Elem{}
Post = Q2Post (Model,Q)
Q2POST converts the vector of basic forces Q to cell array Post.Elem{} POST = Q2POST(MODEL,Q) the function converts the basic force values in vector Q to the data structure POST consisting of the field Elem{el} for each el of the structural model in data structure MODEL which, in turn, contains the field Elem{el}.q with the basic forces of the particular element; the function uses information about missing basic forces in Q based on the field Model.Qmis; any missing basic forces are set to zero in Elem{el}.q
Cross-Reference Information
This function calls:
- D_index cell array of indices into structure arrays for non-zero element deformations
- Label_2dMoments label end moment values for 2d frame elements in current window
- Label_AxialForces label axial force values in current window
- Plot_2dCurvDistr plot curvature distribution of 2d linear elastic frame elements
- Plot_2dMomntDistr plots moment distribution for 2d frame elements in current window
- Plot_AxialForces plot axial forces in current window
- Plot_PlasticHinges display plastic hinge locations in current window