Utilities > General > Create_DispCyclewN



generate time and value pairs for a single displacement cycle with normal force


[DspHst,FrcHst] = Create_DispCyclewN (DspPat,Options)


CREATE_DISPCYCLEwN generate time and value pairs for a single displacement cycle with normal force    
  the function generates the time and value pairs of a single displacement cycle
  for the pattern in DSPPAT under constant or variable normal force N;
  the function returns the displacement history in data structure array DSPHST with fields
  Time and Value and the axial force history in data structure FRCHST with fields Time and Value;
  the displacement history consists of unit values at reversals with zero values in between,
  while the force history consists of unit values for constant axial force +- the variable
  axial force ratio NRat relative to the constant axial force specified in OPTIONS;
  the structure array DSPHST has one entry for uniaxial and 2 entries for biaxial
  displacement patterns; FRCHST has only one entry;
  DSPPAT is a character variable for the displacement path with the following syntax:
  U means uniaxial and B biaxial, with the addition of V indicating a variable axial force;
  the supported patterns are:
  U1(UV1) : uniaxial displacement history in 1-direction
  U2(UV2) : uniaxial displacement history in 2-direction
  U3(UV3) : displacement history at specified ratio of values along axis 1 and 2
  B1(BV1) : circular displacement pattern starting with axis 1
  B2(BV2) : counter-clock wise clover leaf pattern
  B3(BV3) : diamond  displacement pattern
  B4(BV4) : circular displacement pattern starting with axis 2
  OPTIONS is an optional data structure with the following fields:
        .TrmpN = time interval for ramping up         the application of the axial force N
        .TrmpU = time interval for ramping up or down the application of first U
        .Nsub  = time subdivision for description of circular path (default = 100)
        .NRat  = ratio for axial force variation relative to constant value
        .HCyc  = true or false; if true the function returns a half    cycle instead of full
        .QCyc  = true or false; if true the function returns a quarter cycle instead of full

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