
CleanStartclear all variables from the base workspace and close any open windows
Create_DispCyclewNgenerate time and value pairs for a single displacement cycle with normal force
Create_LoadHistorygenerate time and value pairs of a displacement cycle with normal force
Create_MultDispCycleswNsequence of full, half or quarter displacement cycles with axial force
Create_Unitscreate time, length, mass and force units
D_indexcell array of indices into structure arrays for non-zero element deformations
ElasticSpectra4EQRecordgenerates elastic response spectra for earthquake record
Extract_FieldsSummary of this function goes here
H_indexcell array of indices into structure arrays for continuous element deformations
Print_Figs2Fileprints some or all open figures to file
Print_PDFilesends the current figure to file
Read_PEEREQRecordreads ground motions in the format of the PEER database