Utilities > General > H_index



cell array of indices into structure arrays for continuous element deformations


iced = H_index (Model,ElemData)


H_INDEX cell array of indices into structure arrays for continuous element deformations
  the function sets up the cell array ICED of indices for continuous element deformations
  based on release information for elements of the structural model in data structure MODEL;
  the location of element releases is specified in field RELEASE of cell array ELEMDATA
  ELEMDATA{2}.RELEASE = [0;1;0] :   a flexural release is present at end i of element 2
  ELEMDATA{3}.RELEASE = [1;0;1] : an axial and a flexural release at end j of element 3
  the function supports only truss and 2d frame elements at present

Cross-Reference Information

This function calls:

This function is called by:
  • Bbar_matrix function for determining force influence matrices of structural model
  • S_DisplMethod script for displacement method of structural analysis
  • S_ForceMethod script for force method of structural analysis
  • Plot_PlasticHinges display plastic hinge locations in current window
  • Complete_QV complete basic force QIN and element deformation vector VE with values at releases