Utilities > General > ElasticSpectra4EQRecord



generates elastic response spectra for earthquake record


Fig = ElasticSpectra4EQRecord(AccHst,Options)


ELASTICSPECTRA4EQRECORD generates elastic response spectra for earthquake record
  the function generates and displays in a window the elastic response spectra
  for the accerelation record in the data structure ACCHST;
  the optional data structure OPTIONS carries parameters for spectra generation and some plot attributes;
  the function returns the figure handle FIG for further customization of the plot appearance;
  the data structure ACCHST has the following fields
     Time:   vector of time steps of acceleration history
     Value:  vector of corresponding acceleration values in g
     Deltat: time increment of recorded motion
     Title : information about the acceleration history with the following subfields (these
             are available for records in the PEER ground motion database)
        .Event     : event of earthquake record 
        .Date      : date  of earthquake record
        .Station   : recording station
        .Direction : direction of ground acceleration
  the optional data structure OPTIONS has the following fields
     T    : SDOF period range for spectra generation (default = 0:0.01:5)
     zeta : damping values for spectra generalation  (default = [ 0 0.02 0.05 0.10 ] )
     LUnit: unit system for length (options = 'SI' (cm) or 'US' (in), default = 'SI')
     FntSz: font size for axes and labels (default = 18)
     LnWth: line width                    (default = 1.5)
     LgFSz: font size for legends         (default = 18)
     TlFSz: font size for plot title      (default = 20)
     LnClr: specify the line colors for the plots as cell array, e.g. {'k';'b';'r';'m'}
            default color order uses the built-in function 'colororder' in Matlab 2019b or later

Cross-Reference Information

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